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OCR: THE BEST SAVINGS YIELDS IN THE U.S. Rant Yietdor Weeksir Minimur ratin Institution (slatel 30 t0020 MONEY -MARKET ACCOUNTS MBNA America (Del.) 5.657 52.500 800. 345.0397 First tDeposit tNational(N.H.) 5.5. 26 5.005 800-821.904 9 Custom Savings (Md.) 5.15 26 2,530 307 486. .5200 Colonial National(Del.] .86 5.12 2 5,033 800. -7306 Pledmont Federal Savings (Va.) 4.80 6.54 2.600 703 :361.2121 National arerage: .92% .23% amxni: a90 78%arear SIX-MONTH CDs Custom Savings [Md.] 1.95 5.20 2.500 301 -486-5200 Citibank/S.D 4.80 2.95 2.500 800-248-4E691 MBNA America (Del.) 4.71 4.71 2,500 880-345-0397 New Engiand Federal (Mass.] 4.70 4.90 5.000 600-338-1888 California Thrift&Loan 1.70 5.12 2,000 800-852-0687 Nationa 38%.. 4.26 %amo320 6.88%0y021390 ONE-YEAR CDs ** First Deposit t National I(N.H.) 515 ...